Re: Marre du SPAM !!!

Publié par Schtroumpf-Grognon le 03/05/2009 22:26:13
J'ai tenté d'aller sur spamcop, et bon je suis un peu largué...

Voici un des spams que je recois sans cesse :

deJanettevbbi114 <>
répondre àBritneykeab51 <>

à xxxxxxx <>

date3 mai 2009 22:06
objet*** SPAM ***SoftCialiswillmakeyouasuperman.

masquer les détails 22:06 (Il y a 12 minutes) Répondre

"O, he may buy any thing he chooses."

a school; and as to his ball, he did not think much of that.
pleasures of a gay and joyous life, and upon the personal observation
Caesar had married another wife after the death of Cornelia. Her name

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