Re: Pleasant Windows 10

Publié par Noruas le 20/08/2017 14:24:27
Pour ceux qui font une installation "propre" il existe des outils pour supprimer tout ça avant le premier lancement de Windows 10. Notamment Windows 10 Lite (Better Privacy)... mais c'est plus technique qu'un simple outil avec un GUI.

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Removes Windows and System Apps (Cortana, MS Edge...)
Integrated privacy and shit script
Integrated Black Viper's service configuration
Disable unnecessary scheduled tasks due to privacy and undisturbed workflow
Privacy optimizations
Remove unnecessary file types and file associations (for security reasons) Windows Defender AdWare Killer

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Windows 10 will run fast on old computers after this cleanup.
When you remove MS Edge there will be IE11!
You must hide Search from TaskBar if you remove MS Cortana because it is without function.
You can use search in File Explorer as normal.
Following Apps are installed on Server 2016: Calculator and Store.

Here are the steps: Important!!! Disconnect from Internet because setup will run updates immediately!

1. Put this folder with files on your Windows 10 Setup USB/Disc (or anywhere else you can access during early windows setup; caution you have no explorer only command prompt during setup!).
2. Do a clean installation, reset or update of Windows 10 and wait until the Windows Setup ask you for input (title at this setup step: ‘Get going fast’) but enter nothing for now!!!
3. Now press Shift+F10 on your keyboard. A a command prompt should open. If you can't find your usb drive letter, type the following command wmic logicaldisk get deviceid, volumename, description Switch to you Windows 10 Setup USB/Disc and change to this folder. Sample: cd /D E:\Win10Lite
4. Run file rmApps.cmd and answer the questions for your needs.
5. Close the command prompt and finish Windows 10 Setup.

Et pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas Black Viper, je vous recommande d'aller faire un tour sur son site qui est devenu au fil du temps une référence sur les préconisations de services de Windows 7 à Windows 10.

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