Hide From Uninstall List v1.1
https://www.sordum.org/11081/hide-from-uninstall-list-v1-1/1. [FIXED] – The GUI is too small.
2. [FIXED] – It is not possible to translate the list in the interface.
3. [ADDED] – 64 bit version.
4. [ADDED] – undo changes option.
5. [ADDED] – Option to prevent uninstalling the program.
6. [ADDED] – Option to prevent changing program properties.
7. [ADDED] – Some additional features such as “open registry keys…”.
8. [ADDED] – Program coding improvements.
Cette contribution était de : http://www.gratilog.net/xoops/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=2&topic_id=15520&post_id=218621