Re: Proxomitron Reborn

Publié par Wullfk le 12/04/2020 10:18:13
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jasonliu777 a écrit:
- Fix clearing of replacement stack
- Remove 2/4GB size limits on upload/download (the limit is now 8 or 16EB, sadly I do not have the time nor space to test that!)
- Allow multiple instances when run from different directories
- Allow more ciphers/protocols from SSL server side
- Fix certificate generation dialog on Win9x
- Fix crash when certificate generation fails
- Name new blocklist as file name instead of NewItem
- Add Ctrl+A to filter test dialog input/output editboxes
- Make filter testing request and URL configurable

Cette version n'est pas disponible sur le site officiel, d’où elle sort ?
Oups! je n'ai pas chercher au bon endroit

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