Re: Màj : NirLauncher Package v 1.18.25 (Fr)

Publié par Sylvie le 29/09/2013 21:43:05
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kpeme a écrit:
affolement général de l'antivirus, est ce normal ?

Bonjour & merci

C'est normal et connu. L'auteur du logiciel le précise d'ailleurs :

Known Issues

False Positive issues: Many Antivirus programs display false alerts, saying that the password-recovery utilities of NirSoft are infected with Trojan/Virus/Malware. For more information about false positive problems, read this.
If your Antivirus software shows a false alert, you can use the following article that explains how to send a report about a false positive issue to your Antivirus company:
How to Report Malware or False Positives to Multiple Antivirus Vendors

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