Re: Microsoft Image Composite Editor 2.0.2

Publié par Garuda-3366 le 15/02/2015 19:26:24
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Jmarcgby a écrit:
Infos de Microsoft sur le bug avec Windows Explorer :

"This isn't a bug in the main ICE program, but in the way that we extended the explorer right click menu to allow launching ICE from a selection of images. This seems to only happen on Win7, so we'll have to debug there.

We have determined the problem in ICE's ShellExtension.dll that is causing the Explorer crash, and we have a fix for the bug. We'll be releasing an update that includes this fix and a few others... We don't have a date yet, but it should be soon.

A suivre ici :

Heureux que Microsoft daigne se pencher sur ce bogue, mais contrairement à ce qui est supposé hâtivement, le problème du plantage de l'explorateur ne se manifeste pas seulement sur Windows 7. Je l'ai constaté sur Vista aussi...

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