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Catégorie :  2.Freewares français Multimedia Lecteurs multimedia
Télécharger maintenant ! Potplayer v 241213 (Fr) Mis à jour cette semaine Populaire Version: 241213
Date de proposition :  13/12/2024
Description : 
Un excellent lecteur multimédia par l'auteur de KMPlayer. Il est considéré comme plus rapide et plus abouti que KMPlayer. Il comprend de nombreuses options de personnalisation. Nombreux skins disponibles.
Prise en charge directe de nombreux formats de fichiers sans codecs supplémentaires.
Lecture directe des vidéos dans les archives ZIP et RAR
Supporte tous les types de sous-titrage
Codecs vidéo DXVA intégré.

PotPlayer Codec Pack ou OpenCodec:
Ils sont nécessaires pour certaines fonctions et pour décoder les formats AAC, AAC LATM, AC3, EAC3, TrueHD, MLP, DTS.
32bit codecs: OpenCodecSetup.exe
64bit codecs: OpenCodecSetup64.exe

Version portable 32 bits

Version 64 bits ... test/PotPlayerSetup64.exe

Version portable 64 bits

Version pour win XP

Attention, ce logiciel peut proposer l'installation de logiciels supplémentaires. Bien faire attention à décocher à l'installation.

v [241211] 1.7.22395 ... version-history#changelog

Téléchargé 10528 fois 10528   Taille du fichier 28.69 MB   Plateformes supportées Win XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10/11   Page d
Note :  7.00 (4 votes)
Noter ce fichier | Modifier | Rapport de fichier brisé | En parler à un(e) ami(e) | Commentaires (66)

Les commentaires appartiennent à leurs auteurs. Nous ne sommes pas responsables de leur contenu.
Auteur Commentaire en débat
Posté le: 25/02/2012 14:02  Mis à jour: 25/02/2012 14:02
Inscrit le: 03/12/2008
De: France
Contributions: 149
 Re: Potplayer 1.5.32007 (Fr)
Noté 8/10

Excellent logiciel en effet. cependant, je ne parviens pas à ne PAS afficher les sous-titres lors de visionnages de dvd copiés sur mon disque dur, malgré le décochage de l'option...

Quelqu'un ou quelqu’une rencontre t-il le même problème?
Bon weekend a toutes et tous!

Posté le: 25/02/2012 18:55  Mis à jour: 25/02/2012 18:55
Inscrit le: 28/02/2007
De: Alsace
Contributions: 3
 Re: Potplayer 1.5.32007 (Fr)
Perso , je cherche désespérément ou télécharger des skins !


Posté le: 25/02/2012 19:41  Mis à jour: 25/02/2012 19:41
Inscrit le: 21/02/2007
De: France
Contributions: 7691
 Re: Potplayer 1.5.32007 (Fr)
Posté le: 06/03/2012 17:16  Mis à jour: 06/03/2012 17:16
Inscrit le: 06/12/2008
De: puy de dôme
Contributions: 161
 Re: Potplayer 1.5.32007 (Fr)
Bonjour ,sortie aujourd'hui d'une nouvelle version beta en anglais

Daum PotPlayer 1.5.32338 Beta

Added the ability to sort playlist items by extension
Fixed a problem that the screen goes blank when playing 8-bit color video
Fixed position issue of integrated subtitles when pre/next actions
Some fixes while playing certain ASF files
Added ALT+K keyboard shortcut to cycle between screen rotations
Added the ability to set value of audio sync (Shift+<,>) (F5 > Audio > Crystality > sync control unit)

lien ... 5.32338Upd.EXE?r=wwWWGPBG
Posté le: 11/03/2012 18:39  Mis à jour: 11/03/2012 18:40
Inscrit le: 06/12/2008
De: puy de dôme
Contributions: 161
 Re: Potplayer 1.5.32392 (anglais)
nouvelle version beta anglaise ... .32392Upd.EXE?r=fMDrSNclz

ainsi qu'une nouvelle version des Lav filters, ... php?sid=2103&ssid=0&did=1

qui sont integrés dans les filtres externes du programme
Posté le: 01/08/2013 18:58  Mis à jour: 01/08/2013 18:58
Inscrit le: 17/03/2012
Contributions: 17
 Super ^^
Les dernières versions de l'application, bien que pas Françaises sont les meilleures, le skin est plus joli, plus ergonomique et en plus ça fonctionne super bien. Elle est capable de lire un fichier incomplet même si vous le téléchargez en arrière plan, même capable de vous indiquer le nombre de minutes que vous pouvez regarder, qui vous permet de savoir si vous l'avez téléchargé assez pour commencer à le regarder. J'ai comparé les qualités d'images entre bien des applications, celle-ci est excellente, légère avec plein de fonctions qui peuvent être utiles et le tout accessible via le clique droit durant le film. La qualité d'image de cette application est fidèle et correspond à la même chose qu'une application payante dans le domaine comme par exemple Splash Pro Ex. Ya que VLC parmi tout ce que j'ai essayé qui est en retrait sur la qualité, mais il a le mérite de fonctionner. Bref si vous avez besoin d'un lecteur multimédia et que l'anglais ne vous fait pas peur, allez-y, la version Française est moins ergonomique. :) Ah et je note aussi une édition 64 bits et 32, c'est rare dans Windows. :)
Posté le: 16/10/2014 09:52  Mis à jour: 16/10/2014 09:52
Inscrit le: 06/12/2008
De: puy de dôme
Contributions: 161
 nouvelle version francisée
une nouvelle version beta avec la langue française pour les allergiques à l'anglais , pour ceux qui utilisent la version 64 bits ,il suffit de décompresser le fichier exe et de récupérer le fichier french.ini et de le remettre à la bonne place dans les languages de potplayer
Posté le: 16/12/2014 22:47  Mis à jour: 16/12/2014 22:47
Inscrit le: 16/12/2014
De: Toulon
Contributions: 43
La nouvelle version 1.6.51480 Enfin en Français (Testé OK avec La version 64 Bits) Super c'est juste ce qui lui manqué . Pour moi le meilleur lecteur sur le marché. (Ps . Demarrer en Anglais a l'installation , au demarrage de l'appli celle ci passera en Français).
Posté le: 24/10/2017 08:06  Mis à jour: 24/10/2017 08:06
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 v 1.7.4353
[1.7.4353] 2017/10/24 ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added the ability to view hotkey list in program information + Added support for window effects in default skin + Added scene browser in file navigator + Added the ability to control subtitle sync after current position + Added the ability to limit the size of multiples if the image size was larger than the monitor + Added the ability to adjust the screen size to monitor size + Added the ability to output the synthetic top/bottom in 3D MVC decoding - Improved handling of hotkey input - Improved handling of viewing information on screen - Fixed an error that outputted the second subtitle under certain conditions - Fixed an error when playing certain files - Fixed DTV, ATV editor in favorites/playlist - Improved handling of bookmark external storage
Posté le: 19/12/2017 11:28  Mis à jour: 19/12/2017 11:28
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 v 1.7.7145
[1.7.7145] 2017/12/19 ---------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed a security problem (remediation of playing damaged ra, mkv, swf files vulnerability) * Live audio bitrate up to 320K + Added the ability to output the selected items in file navigator + Added the ability to create the bookmark playlist + Added subtitle sync function to previous/next subtitle + Added AMD AMF H264 H/W encoder - Fixed an issue that decreased speed in navigating certain TS files - Improved online subtitle download - Removed AMD VCE encoder - Fixed an issue that playback did not work on certain FTP servers
Posté le: 09/01/2018 08:37  Mis à jour: 09/01/2018 08:37
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 v 1.7.7150
* tvingTV Fix intermediate advertisement problem during playback - Fixed problem that sync does not match during cook audio decoding - Fixed a problem that did not line up in linguistic order with subtitle download - Improvement during TS searching
Posté le: 26/02/2018 18:13  Mis à jour: 02/06/2018 22:34
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer 1.7.8556 (Fr)
Posté le: 13/04/2018 10:25  Mis à jour: 13/04/2018 10:25
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer 1.7.8556 (Fr)

Une nouvelle version "stable" est sortie le 4/4


Voir Changelog ... version-history#changelog

Posté le: 14/04/2018 00:09  Mis à jour: 14/04/2018 00:09
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer 1.7.10943 (Fr)
Merci pour la mise à jour de la Fiche.

Mais la description et le numéro de la version "1.7.10943" indiquée sur cette fiche, sont ceux de la version Béta.

Voir ici: ... version-history#changelog

Posté le: 02/06/2018 22:32  Mis à jour: 16/06/2018 18:02
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer 1.7.10667 (Fr)==>1.7.12248
Nouvelle mise à jour


MAJ du 16 06 2018

Les liens des téléchargements de la fiche pointent toujours vers les anciennes versions 32 et 64bits 1.7.10667

Le Changelog indiquée sur la fiche est celui de la version Béta 1.7.12556

Posté le: 26/06/2018 22:48  Mis à jour: 26/06/2018 22:50
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Nvlle version Potplayer 1.7.12248 ==> 1.7.12844

Une nouvelle version: v 1.7.12844


+ Added CUBE/EAC to 360 VR playback format
+ Added the ability to move to the parent folder with back button in playlist

- Fixed an issue where logout was not complete
- Fixed a problem where sync error of 1-2 frames occurred in certain videos
- Fixed an issue of ftp/http subtitle priority
- Fixed a problem that causes the program to crash when recording flac audio

Posté le: 02/07/2018 22:27  Mis à jour: 02/07/2018 22:27
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer 1.7.12845(Fr)==>liens pointent vers 1.7.10667

Les liens pointent vers une ancienne version 1.7.10667

Posté le: 16/10/2018 05:58  Mis à jour: 16/10/2018 05:58
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 1.7.14804
+ Added the ability to output image subtitles to subtitle browser + Added the ability to move window only on the title bar + Added av1 video codec decoding function - Improved online subtitle download/upload function - Improved online subtitle translation processing - Fixed a problem where cover image of flac file was not shown when playing seamlessly - Fixed an issue where new PotPlayer was running when adding a playlist to browser - Fixed an issue that can't save some settings of the built-in WASAPI audio renderer - Fixed an error when decoding MJPEG in certain files - Fixed a problem that no sound while playing certain TS files - Fixed an issue that can't play certain AVI/OGG files - Fixed an issue where playback on the rotated monitor was not smooth
Posté le: 12/12/2018 14:06  Mis à jour: 12/12/2018 14:06
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 v 1.7.16291
v 1.7.16291 ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added online subtitles database tab into browser window + Added the ability to keep playback speed changes - Improved playback of HTTP streams - Improved subtitle searching to match the video - Improved speed of loading skin files - Improved the option "remember playback positions within a playlist" so that it can be set individually in each playlist ...
Posté le: 17/04/2019 09:33  Mis à jour: 17/04/2019 09:33
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 v 1.7.18344
[1.7.18344] 2019/04/17 ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added the ability to include mouse cursor in Game Capture - Fixed seeking problem with certain MKV files - Fixed an issue where playlist items could not be sorted by size - Fixed an issue that causes TTML subtitle characters to be ignored - Fixed an issue that causes File Navigator to crash in certain situations - Fixed a problem that causes the program to run slowly with playback of certain files - Fixed a problem that causes screen to broken when playing certain H.264 files - Improved AV1 decoding performance - Fixed an abnormal behavior when playing certain MP4 files - Improved ZIP/RAR playback
Posté le: 21/04/2019 10:13  Mis à jour: 21/04/2019 10:13
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer v 1.7.18346 (Fr)

Le lien de la version portable pointe vers la version précédente 1.7.18344

Posté le: 31/07/2019 17:37  Mis à jour: 31/07/2019 17:37
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer v 1.7.19955 (Fr)

Attention à l'installation:

propose avec cette version 1.7.19955, l'installation d'un logiciel supplémentaire:

HotSpot Shield VPN

Je suis donc resté à la version 1.7.18958

Posté le: 31/07/2019 20:28  Mis à jour: 31/07/2019 20:28
Inscrit le: 21/02/2007
De: France
Contributions: 7691
 Re: Potplayer v 1.7.19955 (Fr)
Bizarre, j'ai testé les deux installateurs (32 et 64 bits) et je n'ai pas eu cette installation additionnelle.
Posté le: 01/08/2019 10:30  Mis à jour: 01/08/2019 10:30
Inscrit le: 16/12/2014
De: Toulon
Contributions: 43
 Logiciesl suplementaires
Attention peut proposer des installations de logiciels suplementaires . Bien decocher les cases. Pour ma part il me proposer Avast . (Meme si la version est installée en mise a jour a partir de l'existant) Donc prudence.... Potplayer etant gratuit , je pense qu'il commence a penser a ramasser des peppettes et peut etre meme un jour payant ???
Posté le: 01/08/2019 13:09  Mis à jour: 01/08/2019 13:09
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer v 1.7.19955 (Fr)

Je viens de voir que la fiche de Potplayer à été modifiée, indiquant la possibilité d'installation de logiciels supplémentaires .

Effectivement, ce matin, après une ultime tentative d'installation 32 ou 64 bit, c'est au tour de Avast de m'étre proposé.

Potplayer est "victime" de son succès.

Posté le: 08/08/2019 13:22  Mis à jour: 08/08/2019 13:22
Inscrit le: 16/12/2014
De: Toulon
Contributions: 43
 Popup sur Potplayer
Bonjour , Outre les installations supplementaires que je peux comprendre , a chaque demarage de la version 1.7.19955 de potplayer (Maj Officielle) on peut remarquer un popup de chat qui demarre discretement et se ferme aussitot en arriere plan . ?? Personnellement n'ayant pas trouvé le lien qui le lance dans l'appli. Je suis repassé a la version anterieur.
Posté le: 19/09/2019 09:08  Mis à jour: 19/09/2019 09:08
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
* Changed default HEVC decoder to Built-in FFmpeg HEVC H/W Decoder + Added support for YTT subtitles + Added support for external chapters files (.chapters.xml) - Fixed a problem that occurs when playing certain TS files - Fixed a problem that can't play certain FLAC files - Fixed a problem that 2nd subtitles were appeared with certain YouTube videos - Fixed an issue where the title in the Open URL box was not reflected into playlist when attempt to open the related URL - Fixed a problem where settings are lost when switching between storing modes (INI <-> Registry)
Posté le: 31/10/2019 06:58  Mis à jour: 31/10/2019 06:58
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
1.7.20977 2019/10/31 + Added the ability to hide subtitles unless it's your preferred language + Added the ability to display chapters in playback information - Fixed an error in certain situations - Fixed an issue that took a long time to read text files - Fixed an issue that cannot delete related files when playing seamlessly - Fixed an issue where opening address was not parsed - Fixed an issue where strange colors appeared in certain MOV files - Fixed an issue where Bluesky Frame Rate Converter did not work - Fixed an error when certain TS playbacks were finished
Posté le: 04/02/2020 07:50  Mis à jour: 04/02/2020 07:50
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 v 200203
+ Added search feature into preferences + Added the ability not to load embedded subtitles - Fixed an error when accessing a specific webdav server - Fixed an issue where external bookmarks were deleted when you closed playback - Improved slideshow output - Fixed a problem that certain PCs started playing slowly - Fixed a problem where fonts were displayed differently on certain PCs - Fixed an issue that caused pink to appear when using the exclusive overlay mixer - Fixed a problem that can't play files on certain FTP servers
Posté le: 05/02/2020 21:51  Mis à jour: 05/02/2020 21:51
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer v 200204 (1.7.21124)(Fr)

Et c'est déjà la version 200205 ou ( 1.7.21125), qui se télécharge actuellement.

Pas de changelog édité, pour cette version à ce jour

Posté le: 01/03/2020 21:04  Mis à jour: 01/03/2020 21:04
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer v 200204 (1.7.21124)(Fr)

Le lien de téléchargement pointe vers le Fichier 1.7.21126 signé du 07 02 2020,

pourtant c'est toujours le numéro 200204 sur le site de PotPlayer.

Le fichier d'installation, que j'ai conservé, en date de la fiche de gratilog, n'a pas le mème hachage que celui d'aujourd'hui

"Vous avez dit bizarre"
Posté le: 17/03/2020 08:10  Mis à jour: 17/03/2020 08:10
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 200317 (1.7.21146)
[200317] ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added the ability to copy the path of the selected items to the playlist + Added the ability to move items to playlist + Added the ability to open the preferred language ​only ​in subtitle download - Fixed a problem where installation started slowly or freezed on certain PCs - Fixed an issue that certain WEBDAV servers cannot be connected - Fixed an issue that cannot list files on certain FTP servers - Fixed an issue that caused errors when opening certain PNG files - Fixed a problem where navigation bar thumbnails were incorrect in certain MKVs - Fixed a problem that certain Blu-ray subtitles did not come out - Improved lyrics comprehension built into MP3
Posté le: 17/03/2020 14:59  Mis à jour: 17/03/2020 14:59
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer v 200317 (1.7.21146) (Fr)

Cela installe la version v 200317 ( 1.7.21147 )

Posté le: 17/06/2020 21:58  Mis à jour: 17/06/2020 21:58
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer v 200616 ( 1.7.21233) (Fr)

Après installation, Potplayer indique la version 200616 ( 1.7.21235 ),

après vérification le fichier d'installation indique la version 200616 mais 1.7.21231

Mais, sur le site officiel, comme l'indique gratilog, c'est la version 200616 1.7.21233

J'ose espérer, que les concepteurs de ce programme, se comprennent entre eux.

Légitimement, l'on peut se demander, s'il est encore utile, d'indiquer ce numéro

Posté le: 19/06/2020 05:41  Mis à jour: 19/06/2020 05:41
Inscrit le: 12/03/2008
Contributions: 79
 Re: Potplayer v 200616 ( 1.7.21233) (Fr)
Potplayer v 200616 ( 1.7.21239) après maj auto
Posté le: 21/10/2020 09:55  Mis à jour: 21/10/2020 09:55
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
v 1.7.21306 + Added the ability to batch edit time in bookmark editing - Fixed a problem where color was abnormal when playing HDR HLG video - Fixed a problem where video capture screen was abnormal when using 10-bit output - Fixed a problem that CPU usage was high when using LayeredWindow skin - Fixed an issue that total time was recognized as 0 when playing a specific MKV file - Fixed a problem that bookmarks were duplicated in certain situations when deleting a bookmark - Fixed to keep line breaks as much as possible when translating subtitles - Fixed a problem where output of certain ASS/SSA subtitles was abnormal - Fixed an issue where playback stopped when searching for certain MOV files
Posté le: 09/12/2020 08:43  Mis à jour: 09/12/2020 08:43
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
201209] ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added the ability to customize context menu + Added AV1 codec support into CUDA/QuickSync Video Decoder + Added pixel shader setting tab into preferences + Added the ability to view context menu items with their skin CmdIDs - Fixed a problem that caused to malfunction with deleting a bookmark in bookmark editor - Improved output speed of custom menu - Some fixes to make the program run faster at startup - Fixed a problem that no sound while playing some MKV files
Posté le: 27/01/2021 07:09  Mis à jour: 27/01/2021 07:09
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 v (1.7.21419) [210127]
v (1.7.21419) [210127] ---------------------------------------------------------- * Removed Flash playback function + Added Dutch translation + Added the ability to use skin visualization in windows media visualization + Added AV1 DXVA playback capability - Fixed a problem that could not play smoothly when playing certain MKV videos - Fixed a problem that time shift was working abnormally - Fixed a problem that no sound was produced when the system audio sampling rate setting was greater than 192kHz - Fixed a problem that image quality could not be switched when watching a broadcast with a password - Fixed an error in certain situations when editing a bookmark - Fixed a problem where SMI integrated subtitles could not be selected
Posté le: 18/03/2021 09:01  Mis à jour: 18/03/2021 09:01
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
[210318] (1.7.21466) ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added the ability to invert the left/right image horizontally during 3D output - Fixed a problem that no sound was produced when playing certain AAC codec - Fixed a problem where certain ASS/SSA subtitles were displayed abnormally - Fixed a problem that added [Ext] to the track name when playing external audio - Fixed a problem that certain playlists were added duplicated - Fixed an issue where google subtitle word search was not detected - Fixed to support 10-bit video for AV1 DXVA
Posté le: 28/04/2021 13:20  Mis à jour: 28/04/2021 13:20
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 1.7.21482 [210428]
+ Added the ability to sort into hotkey settings - Fixed an error problem when playing certain HEVC DXVA - Fixed an error problem when playing certain MP4 files - Fixed an issue where chapters disappeared by changing the image quality when playing YouTube with chapters - Fixed an issue where WEBDAV playlist was not sorted by date
Posté le: 29/07/2021 13:44  Mis à jour: 29/07/2021 13:44
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 [210729] 1.7.21524
* Remove sponsor-related features + Added the ability to set the format when copying the current playback time - Fixed a problem that causes screen to broken when playing certain H264 TS - Fixed an issue where voice with too high sampling rate could not be played - Improved time overlap when using time minimum number of subtitles - Fixed an issue where video stopped when playing certain MP4s
Posté le: 29/09/2021 13:22  Mis à jour: 29/09/2021 13:22
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 v 210929 (21556)
v 210929 ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added fast repeating function - Fixed an issue that was abnormal when playing certain MP4 files - Fixed an error problem in certain situations by changing the skin during playback
Posté le: 06/01/2022 08:43  Mis à jour: 06/01/2022 08:43
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 1.7.21589 [220106]
[220106] ---------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed an issue where skin UI did not appear in certain situations on the full screen - Fixed AAC/MP3 navigation to move more accurately - Fixed the navigation speed to work faster when playing HTTP streams - Fixed an issue where playback finished when navigating certain MP4
Posté le: 20/04/2022 11:18  Mis à jour: 20/04/2022 11:18
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
[220420] ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added FTP/WebDAV file deletion function + Added the ability to play while downloading from a network driver - Fixed an issue where certain FLAC files could not be played
Posté le: 25/04/2022 22:52  Mis à jour: 25/04/2022 22:52
Inscrit le: 19/08/2008
Contributions: 548
 Potplayer v 1.7.21630
Gros problème avec cette version chez moi : "Potplayer64.dll is modified or hacked", pour la version 64 bit, idem pour la version 32 bit et les versions portables. J'ai réinstallé la version précédente et aucun problème.
Posté le: 26/04/2022 14:07  Mis à jour: 26/04/2022 14:07
Inscrit le: 21/02/2007
De: France
Contributions: 7691
 Re: Potplayer v 1.7.21630
Virustotal est tout au vert. Quel est le logiciel que te donne cette information ?
Posté le: 26/04/2022 21:51  Mis à jour: 26/04/2022 21:51
Inscrit le: 19/08/2008
Contributions: 548
 Re: Potplayer v 1.7.21630
Aucun message de mon antivirus, cela viens directement de l'installateur de Potplayer ou de Potplayer sur la version portable.
Posté le: 26/04/2022 22:39  Mis à jour: 26/04/2022 22:39
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer v 1.7.21630 (Fr)

le lien de la fiche pour la version 64 bits pointe vers OpenCodecSetup64.exe

Pour info, au lancement, la version portable est fournie par

Je viens d'installer la version 64 bits, et, le numéro de version est maintenant 1.7.21632
Posté le: 04/08/2022 15:24  Mis à jour: 04/08/2022 15:24
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer v 220420 (Fr)====> v 220706

nouvelle version v 220420 ====> v 220706 ... version-history#changelog

Posté le: 31/08/2022 06:57  Mis à jour: 31/08/2022 06:57
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 220831(1.7.21792)
- Fixed an issue where there was no sound when playing certain MP4 files - Fixed an error that occurred when playing certain files - Fixed the problem of slow playback when playing for the first time - Improved stability when using DXVA
Posté le: 05/09/2022 13:41  Mis à jour: 05/09/2022 13:41
Inscrit le: 10/08/2022
De: France
Contributions: 3772
 Re: Potplayer v 220831 (Fr)
Nouvelle version 220905

- Fixed an issue where there was no sound when playing certain MP4 files
- Fixed an error that occurred when playing certain files
- Fixed the problem of slow playback when playing for the first time
- Improved stability when using DXVA
Posté le: 02/11/2022 10:39  Mis à jour: 02/11/2022 10:39
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 1.7.21831 [221102]
[221102] ---------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed an error that occurred on certain systems - Fixed an issue where the screen was broken when taking a snapshot - Improved DASH/HLS playback function
Posté le: 07/02/2023 06:05  Mis à jour: 07/02/2023 06:05
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 230207 / 1.7.21873
v 230207 / 1.7.21873) ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added WEBP format to video capture ...
Posté le: 10/02/2023 12:15  Mis à jour: 10/02/2023 12:18
Inscrit le: 21/11/2014
Contributions: 70
 PotPlayer 230208 (1.7.21876)
PotPlayer 230208 (1.7.21876)

Latest version

230208 (February 9, 2023)

PotPlayer 230208
Posté le: 05/04/2023 15:08  Mis à jour: 05/04/2023 15:08
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 230405
230405: Added GPU Super Resolution function to built-in D3D11 video renderer Fixed an issue where audio visualization did not work when only the right channel had voice Fixed a problem that was captured strangely when capturing with subtitles in the D3D11 video renderer Fixed a problem where sound did not come out in certain situations when playing damaged videos Fixed a problem where sound did not come out in certain flac codecs
Posté le: 23/05/2023 07:58  Mis à jour: 23/05/2023 07:58
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 230523 /1.7.21915
* Changed default HEVC decoder to Built-in FFmpeg HEVC H/W Decoder + Added support for YTT subtitles + Added support for external chapters files (.chapters.xml) – Fixed a problem that occurs when playing certain TS files – Fixed a problem that can’t play certain FLAC files – Fixed a problem that 2nd subtitles were appeared with certain YouTube videos – Fixed an issue where the title in the Open URL box was not reflected into playlist when attempt to open the related URL – Fixed a problem where settings are lost when switching between storing modes (INI <-> Registry)
Posté le: 05/07/2023 08:35  Mis à jour: 05/07/2023 08:35
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 230705/ 1.7.21951
+ Added the ability to translate subtitles in addition to selected languages + Added support for g726 codec in MP4 + Added support for ARIB subtitles - Fixed trackpad scrolling of playlists to be handled smoothly - Improved MP4 playback function while downloading - Improved raw av1 file playback function
Posté le: 06/10/2023 16:06  Mis à jour: 06/10/2023 16:06
Inscrit le: 15/11/2010
De: Sud Est France
Contributions: 579
 Re: Potplayer v 230905(Fr)
Les deux liens vers PotPlayer Codec Pack ou OpenCodec sont HS

403 Forbidden

Je n'ai pas su retrouver la bonne source pour ces deux liens

Posté le: 06/10/2023 18:37  Mis à jour: 06/10/2023 18:37
Inscrit le: 21/02/2007
De: France
Contributions: 7691
 Re: Potplayer v 230905(Fr)
J'ai corrigé les deux liens. Merci d'avoir signalé les erreurs.
Posté le: 02/11/2023 09:04  Mis à jour: 02/11/2023 09:04
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 231102 (1.7.22031)
+ Added the ability to display multiple lines in the subtitle explorer + NOTCHLC video codec playback function added - Modified to apply HDR color correction when capturing video if possible - Fixed an issue where the DTS pass-through function did not work on certain systems - Fixed an issue where embedded subtitles were displayed overlapping when playing files without interruption. - Fixed an issue where playback completion did not occur when using the delete related file function upon completion of playback. - Fixed a problem that freezing when playing HEVC with DXVA on old Intel GPUs - Fixed an issue where certain MKV videos could not be played after searching for them.
Posté le: 20/12/2023 10:44  Mis à jour: 20/12/2023 10:44
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 1.7.22071
[231220] 1.7.22071 ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added the ability to select a device when outputting TTS - Fixed an error issue when playing MPEG 1/2 with DXVA on older GPUs. - Added ability to paste playlist below selected item - Fixed an issue where an error occurred when playing certain MKV files - Fixed an issue where navigation was not possible when playing certain files
Posté le: 20/12/2023 10:57  Mis à jour: 20/12/2023 10:57
Inscrit le: 10/08/2022
De: France
Contributions: 3772
 Re: Potplayer v 231113 (Fr)
Posté le: 18/06/2024 07:11  Mis à jour: 18/06/2024 07:11
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer v240618 1.7.22259
v240618 1.7.22259 * Changed default HEVC decoder to Built-in FFmpeg HEVC H/W Decoder + Added support for YTT subtitles + Added support for external chapters files (.chapters.xml) – Fixed a problem that occurs when playing certain TS files – Fixed a problem that can’t play certain FLAC files – Fixed a problem that 2nd subtitles were appeared with certain YouTube videos – Fixed an issue where the title in the Open URL box was not reflected into playlist when attempt to open the related URL – Fixed a problem where settings are lost when switching between storing modes (INI <-> Registry)
Posté le: 27/08/2024 09:13  Mis à jour: 27/08/2024 09:13
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 potplayer [240827] 1.7.22314
+ Added WEBP to video capture + Added ability to set delay time to seconds or less in image source filter + Added auto-run feature when system starts - Fixed an issue where the size settings of the shortcut icon were not reflected. - Fixed an issue where the Do not add duplicate files setting was reset in certain situations. - Fixed an issue where the video was recognized as interlaced when playing with a specific codec. - Fixed an error issue when decoding with libVPX 8/9 - Fixed an issue where navigation occurred abnormally when playing MP4 streaming. - Fixed an issue where browsing certain FLV files was slow - Improved subtitle display speed
Posté le: 15/10/2024 06:44  Mis à jour: 15/10/2024 06:44
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 241015
[241015] ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added the ability to adjust playback speed when pressing the mouse button - Fixed an issue where certain MPEG TS playback times were abnormal - Fixed the problem of screen breaking when playing certain MPEG TS - Fixed the problem of certain ASS/SSA subtitles appearing strangely - Fixed an issue that caused abnormal operation when playing very long files.
Posté le: 11/12/2024 09:24  Mis à jour: 11/12/2024 09:24
Inscrit le: 06/09/2017
De: China
Contributions: 1378
 PotPlayer 241211
[241211] ---------------------------------------------------------- + Added the ability to generate subtitles from voice using Whisper + Added the ability to open audio together in command line options + Added the ability to set monitor luminance in HDR 2084 - Fixed an issue where WEBP image files could not be played - Fixed an issue where certain MP3 lyrics did not appear - Fixed an issue where certain MPEG TS files were playing slowly - Fixed an issue where certain files were displayed in black when playing.
:: Top 25