NTlite est le grand frère de
nLite. En effet, nLite était un utilitaire pour XP permettant de créer un CD-ROM d'installation de Windows personnalisé avec les SP 1 ou 2 ou 3 ajoutés, avec ou sans certains programmes. Ce procédé permettait de créer un cd bootable d'installation. NTlite fait, notamment, cela, mais pour Win 7 jusqu’à 11 avec des caractéristiques supplémentaires.
Fonctionnalités :
• Télécharger les dernières mises à jour Windows
• Intégrer/Installer les mises à jour et les langues
• Intégrez les pilotes, les applications et les fichiers REG
• Ciblage des pilotes matériels
• Suppression de composants
• Configuration Windows sans assistance, y compris le partitionnement de disque
• Configuration des paramètres Windows
• Édition Live Install (C:\Windows) uniquement
Version 32 bits https://downloads.ntlite.com/files/NTLite_setup_x86.exeVersion 64 bits https://downloads.ntlite.com/files/NTLite_setup_x64.exeTutoriel pour personnaliser Windows :
https://www.cachem.fr/ntlite-personnal ... linstallation-de-windows/Version pour nLite XP/Vista :
https://www.nliteos.com/download/nLite- v 2025.02.10293
Components: ‘Client License Platform’
Renamed and moved around it ‘Microsoft Client License Flexible Platform’ and ‘Client License Service (ClipSVC)’
Image: Host Refresh compatibility improved, more host vs image combinations work with migration
Components: ‘Storage Management’ 64 and 32-bit split from ‘Storage Spaces’
Components: ‘Enterprise App Management Service’ split from ‘Device Management’
Components: ‘WinSxS Component Store’ added to SFC compatibility, make sure to uncheck SFC in Components – Compatibility if removing
Components: App removal automatically switched to DISM+Custom if Servicing Stack compatibility is disabled
Components: Win11 24H2 ‘Bing Search (InboxApp)’ placeholder since update adds it later in the process
Components: Win11 24H2 ‘Windows Update’ removal had minor leftovers with the 26100.3037 update
Components: Win11 24H2 ‘Windows Feature Experience Pack – Desktop’ removal support for 26100.3037+
Components: ‘WMI Core 32-bit’ removes more
Unattended: Removed Product Key (Activation) entry to avoid confusion, it is sufficient to use the Product Key (Setup)
(Contact support if your deployment scenario requires both product keys, to re-evaluate the change)
UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou77)
Image: ISO and dir sync are now case-sensitive (was copying lowercased)
Components: ‘Microsoft Passport’ removal was breaking adding of other accounts in Settings – Accounts
Unattended: Filtered unsupported locale choices (e.g. selecting just ‘en’ was causing setup error)
Scheduled tasks: Filtering list of cumulative update removed tasks leftovers, like ‘pwdless’